Wednesday, 16 May 2007

VFS plugs security hole

This is an update to my earlier posting on the VFS security breach on the 10th of May.

I am pleased to write that this security breach on the VFS UK India website has now been rectified, thanks to the timely action taken by Davey Winder, and the co-operation of the VFS India IT department. He has published an article on this yesterday which describes the sequence of events that led to the resolution of this serious issue.

Having run out of avenues to turn to in an attempt to get someone to take notice, Davey Winder was my obvious last resort. I am quite thankful to Davey for approaching this in a very responsible and proactive way, and for his genuine concern and understanding about the implications this could possibly have.

At the moment, I can only reveal that I am in touch with UK government officials to aid in their investigations so that such breaches are not repeated in the future.

Update 17 th May: Statement by Lord Triesman, UK Secretary of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Announces an independent government investigation into this breach.

Update 14th August: Results of the investgation are out. More details on this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen an experienced their way of handling thing on my own in a different country though they have plugged the security hole they kind of hassle people to buy their expensive product/services. At this moment they are handling a very important middle east country together with a partner from the same country and push travelers to buy their expensive service package.
I am worried to complain this to the Esteemed Embassy concern.